They took a rather lengthy medical history, including all past operations and all meds I take. I had forgotten that during the last surgery I had, I had a lot of nausea problems while in the recovery room. They are now researching what kind of anesthesia I had then, so that if they use general, hopefully I won't have to truck with nausea again.
They mentioned local - a spinal block - which I really didn't want. However, the husband had had a spinal and femoral block when his patellar tendon was reattached in 2006, and that, supposedly, reduces postop pain. So ... maybe that's an option. I'll think about it. But I'll definitely talk to folks first!
A nurse came in and took some blood, for a general assessment and to type. Looks like I'll finally find out my blood type - I've never known! She was, without a doubt, the very best blood-drawer I've ever experienced. I didn't feel the needle go in, or come out. That's expertise!
Then, I had to scoot (relatively speaking) over to another building to talk to the physical therapy people. I wound up being worked with by some girl who almost looked young enough to be my granddaughter! She didn't know a whole lot, and seemed really embarrassed by some of my questions. The other therapists were a lot more knowledgeable, and two joined in and gave me advice.
The good news:
. I'll be able to sleep on right side (the side with the wound) without needing a pillow. However, if I sleep on my left side, I'll need to put a pillow between my legs.
. I've still got quite a bit of core strength left over from my days doing Pilates, so getting in and out of bed won't be a huge trial.
. I still remember how to cope with crutches, so I had no trouble at all learning how to walk with them, and turn, and negotiate stairs. It's going to be lots easier than it was in 1988, when I was non weight bearing for 10 weeks!
. Sex will be fine, as long as I don't bend the right hip too far.
. I don't need new chairs - I'm sitting at 90 degrees. I'll just have to be cautious about leaning forward. Still, if it's 85 degrees, I'll be fine.
. Cooking is fine, as long as I can scoot over to a chair every so often if I'm tired.
. And ... I'll be able to be physically active again! Ski, Pilates, hike.
One thing I didn't cover is getting dressed. However, I told some neighbors this morning I was having the procedure. One told me he had had his hip resurfaced last year, and he feels like a new man. I told him I was worried about getting dressed, and he said "use the grabber." Makes perfect sense.
I'm still concerned about silly things ... like, will I be able to rotate my body in order to wipe myself? That's going to be difficult, if I can't. I'm glad I have most of the equipment I need, like the long-handled scrubber, the grabber, and a cane. I do still need a raised toilet seat, so I'm going to have to get that.
The disgusting thing is that my doc wants me to only sponge bathe for five weeks. I'm going to have to try to negotiate that one.
And I have to find out what the actual surgery is going to cost! I was much too tired yesterday and today to deal with it. I'm going to have to deal tomorrow.
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