Well, not quite. There's still a bunch of stuff on the bed in the second bedroom, and the kitchen is still not in the best organizational shape. But for the most part, the house works.
I even managed to find a new job - by the end of April I was employed, and by June 1, had started the job.
All these things are good. The one big downside? Living in a city with almost no public transportation, and having to go to work and other things by car, means a far more sedentary lifestyle. My walking has gotten better, as has my ability to go up and down stairs. But: I gained back ALL the weight I'd lost. Every last single solitary pound of it. And boy, I can feel it. The scar sometimes feels like it's straining for dear life. And I've begun to weeble again. It's rather gross. I didn't expect to gain more than 20 pounds in just a few months. But ... here I am.
An acquaintance who also had her hip replaced had a huge complication: her incision came apart, and she wound up having to go for more than a month's rehab in order to get the wound back together. I wake up every morning terrified that THIS will be the day my leg splits open. Oh, the horror.
So ... I've begun to do my hip exercises again. I'd completely stopped exercising, which surprised me - I'm generally a bear about rehab exercises. So, now I"m at them again. I can feel a difference - the legs are getting stronger. There's no place to walk near work, so I'm going to have to figure something out. Here, there's a treadmill, and if I can walk to do some of my chores, that might help.
Oh well. Good news and bad news. I hope there will be less of me to report in the next blog entry. I'm seeing a new doc this week - hope he doesn't collapse in shock at my obesity.